Can Babies Eat Erythritol?
Erythritol is a chemical compound used as a sweetener and sugar substitute. It is sugar alcohol, used also as food additive and flavor - enhancer. Its advantages are that although it tastes 60-70% like normal sugar, it has less calories, so it does not influence blood sugar levels and does not cause tooth decay, as much as regular sugar.
It was discovered by a Scottish chemist, John Stenhouse, in 1848, but it was first isolated only in 1852. Erythritol is produced from glucose by the fermentation with yeast. It also occurs in some fruits, and especially fermented foods.
Eryhtritol is used in many beverages, coffee, tea, juices, soft drinks, liquid dietary supplements, and in solids as well: cookies, biscuits, chewing gums.
Erythritol gets absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine, approximately 90% is absorbed before it gets into the large intestine. It does not normally lead to laxative effects, but large doses of erythritol might cause headaches, diarrhea, nausea, gas, bloating and stomach growling. Large consumption of erythritol can lead to weight gain in adults.
Is Erythritol Better Than Stevia ?
Erythritol is less sweet than sugar, or stevia. It can be combined with stevia, to get the sweet taste, but not the usual side effects of sugar.
Is Erythritol Okay During Pregnancy ?
It is best for pregnant women to avoid sugar and any artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. However, if there is a need for sweeteners, it’s better to chose one that has the combination erythritol and monk fruit.
Why Is It Safe For Babies To Eat Eryhtritol?
One of the safest artificial sugar substitutes for babies and children is erythritol. Still parents should pay extra attention to the amount given, because if it exceeds the safely administered quantity, eryhtritol may cause diarrhea, amongst other side effects. Some researchers suggest that the use of sweeteners can alter the appetite and the taste preferences in children. Sugar should be given to children, starting at the age of 2, the same is valid for sweeteners.
What is erythritol?
Erythritol is a chemical compound used as a sweetener and sugar substitute. It is sugar alcohol, used also as food additive and flavor - enhancer.
How healthy is erythritol?
There are still disputes whether artificial sweeteners are healthier than sugar, but there are not sufficient studies on this topic. Its advantages are that although it tastes 60-70% like normal sugar, it has less calories, so it does not influence blood sugar levels and does not cause tooth decay.
When can you start giving erythritol to your baby?
You can give erythritol to your child starting at the age of 2 years.
The risks of giving erythritol to your baby?
It does not normally lead to laxative effects, but large doses of erythritol might cause headaches, diarrhea, nausea, gas, bloating and stomach growling.