Can Babies Eat Natto?
Natto is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. The fermentation is made with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Natto has a powerful and unique smell, a strong flavor and a sticky texture, characteristics, which make natto either tolerated, knowing its beneficial effects, or totally unpleasant and unaccepted. Its smell comes from diacetyl and pyrazines, and if natto is allowed to ferment for too long, then there will be ammonia released. Within Japan this food is more popular in the eastern regions. Natto is usually served with karashi mustard, soy sauce or sometimes with Japanese bunching onion.
Natto has calories, fats, carbs, dietary fibers and protein. It has a different nutritional data from raw soybeans, even if it is based on soybeans. In comparison to soybeans, natto has a lower calorie content and an enriched fatty acids content. It is also a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, vitamins B2, B6, C, E and K.
Can You Eat Natto Every Day?
Natto is a very nutritious food, which will help with digestion, strengthen your immune system and your bones, being a good blood thinner and blood clot breaker, consuming it, will protect you from heart attacks and strokes. These are not diseases common among babies, but a healthy and balanced diet, starting at an early age, will be rewarding later on in your baby’s life. Parents can give natto to babies starting at the age of 8 months old.
Potato, Shirasu And Natto Oyaki For Babies (9-11 months)
Ingredients: 5 small potatoes, 3 tbsp Shirashu (boiled and dried baby sardines), 3 tbsp spinach, 1 pack Split bean natto, 3 tbsp Katakuriko.
Cut the potatoes into small pieces and soak them in water before boiling. Pour boiling water over the shirasu in order to remove the salt. Pour hot water over the natto to get rid of its stickiness. Parboil the spinach and mince. Mix everything together and form small balls, then pan-fry them over medium heat in a frying pan until they turn brown.
What is natto?
Natto is a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. The fermentation is made with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Natto has a powerful and unique smell, a strong flavor and a sticky texture, characteristics, which make natto either tolerated, knowing its beneficial effects, or totally unpleasant and unaccepted.
How healthy is natto?
Being a very nutritious food, it will help with digestion, strengthen your immune system and your bones, being a good blood thinner and blood clot breaker, consuming it, will protect you from heart attacks and strokes.
When can you start giving natto to your baby?
Parents can give natto to babies starting at the age of 8 months old.
The risks of giving natto to your baby?
Babies might not like natto because of its smell and texture.