Can Babies Eat Lettuce?
Lettuce belongs to the daisy family called Asteraceae, cultivated mostly for its leaves, but sometimes for its stem and seeds too. Its most popular usage is for salads, but it is also used for soups, sandwiches, wraps or grilled along other vegetables.
Lettuce has its origins in ancient Egypt, where it was transformed from a weed being used to make oil, into a food crop cultivated not only for its succulent leaves, but also for its oil-rich seeds. From Egypt it spread to the Greeks and Romans, and by the mid-18th century it was widely known and grown in Europe.
Lettuce is eaten raw, cooked, boiled or grilled. The Romans used to cook it and serve it with a dressing made out of oil and vinegar. Romaine lettuce is commonly used for Caeser salads, along a dressing consisting of anchovies and eggs.
Lettuce is an excellent source of vitamins A and K, but it also has fiber, potassium, folate, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and C. If lettuce gets contaminated, it is a source of bacterial and viral outbreaks in humans. E. coli and Salmonella are two of these possibilities.
Can Babies Eat Lettuce ?
Lettuce is a perfect vegetable for toddlers. It is high in vitamin K, which is helpful for complete synthesis of certain proteins for blood coagulation and for binding of calcium in bones and tissues. For babies of 12 months old, parents should choose mild tasting lettuce, like butter lettuce, so that their babies can get used to their taste, and maybe later being able to give them other lettuces as well, which might have a bitter flavor.
Does Lettuce Water Help Babies Sleep ?
Baths in lettuce infused water and lettuce tea is famous for its sedative effects. If you bring the lettuce to boil, the lettuce tea resulting from that can help you and your baby sleep.
Lettuce Soup
Ingredients: 2 tbsp unsalted butter, 1 diced medium onion, 4 sliced medium sized cloves of garlic, 4 cups of homemade chicken or vegetable stock, 225g lettuce (core and root ends trimmed), ¼ cup loosely packed parsley leaves, salt (preferably without iodine), fresh lemon juice.
Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat until it gets foamy. Put the onion and garlic into the pan and cook, stirring, until they soften. Add the chicken or vegetable stock, bring to simmer and cook until the veggies are very tender. Add the lettuce and parsley, cooking until wilted and softened. Put the broth and vegetables into a food processor and blend starting at the lowest speed and increasing, until the mixture gets very smooth. Season with salt and lemon juice according to your taste.
What is lettuce?
Lettuce belongs to the daisy family called Asteraceae, cultivated mostly for its leaves, but sometimes for its stem and seeds too
How healthy is lettuce?
Lettuce is an excellent source of vitamins A and K, but it also has fiber, potassium, folate, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and C.
When can you start giving lettuce to your baby?
You can start giving your baby lettuce at the age of 12 months.
The risks of giving lettuce to your baby?
If lettuce gets contaminated, it is a source of bacterial and viral outbreaks in humans.