Can Babies Eat Bread?
Bread is a staple food, being prepared by cooking from a dough of different types of flour and water. Bread is one of the oldest man-made foods, but it is also an important part of religious rituals. The world’s oldest proof of bread-making was found in a Natufian site in Jordan’s northeastern desert, dating from 14500 years ago. But there is evidence of starch residues on rocks, used for pounding plants in Europe and Australia, 30000 years ago.
Bread can be leavened by numerous naturally occurring microbes, by different chemicals, or by industrially produced yeast. Commercial bread has additives that serve in improving flavor, texture, color, nutrition and shelf life.
Bread is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamins B. However, highly processed flour and the additives in white bread are not healthy. Consuming too much white bread often leads to obesity, heart diseases and diabetes. Whole wheat bread is a kind of bread, made by using as main ingredient flour, partly or entirely milled from whole or almost-whole wheat grains. Brown bread or wholemeal bread are considered to be healthier than white bread.
Bread is an excellent finger food or mini meal, containing many nutrients for babies and for toddlers. White bread producers are forced by law to add different vitamins and minerals to white bread, so that it is similar to wholemeal bread.
Can Babies Eat Bread at 6 Months ?
You can start giving your baby bread at the age of 6-8 months, but it is recommended to start with bread that does not contain wheat, especially if there is a history of bread allergy in your family. Bread represent also a choking hazard, parents should pay attention to the size and texture of the bread given to babies.
Can Babies Eat Bread Sticks ?
You can give bread sticks to your baby starting at the age of 6 months, but they are actually recommended from 12 months, when they can really chew food. Choose the bread sticks carefully, taking into consideration the saltiness of the sticks.
Baby French Toast or Egg Banana Bread
Ingredients: 1 ripe banana, 1 egg, 20ml milk or plant-based milk, 3 small slices of wholemeal bread, oil or butter for frying.
Mash the banana and put it into a bowl along with the egg and the milk. Mix well, so that the ingredients are well combined. Cut the bread into small fingers, then dip, but not soak, each one into the mixture. Melt a little bit of butter or oil in a frying pan and fry each side of the slices of bread for 1-2 minutes, until they turn golden brown. Serve immediately.
What is bread?
Bread is one of the oldest man-made staple food, being prepared by cooking from a dough of different types of flour and water.
How healthy is bread?
Bread is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamins B. However, highly processed flour and the additives in white bread are not healthy.
When can you start giving bread to your baby?
You can start giving your baby bread at the age of 6-8 months, but it is recommended to start with bread that does not contain wheat.
The risks of giving bread to your baby?
Bread can cause allergic reactions to babies suffering of wheat allergy, and it also represents a choking hazard.