Can Babies Eat Vegan?
Veganism is the practice of not using any products of animal origins, especially in diet, but also in cosmetic products, in this case meaning also, that the products were not tested on animals. Somebody following this diet or this philosophy is called a vegan. There are many forms of veganism, the so called strict vegetarians do not eat meat, eggs and dairy products, whereas the moral vegetarians oppose the use of animals for any purpose and the environmental veganism refers to the avoidance of any animal products, because industrial farming of animals has a big impact on our surroundings and effects negatively our environment.
A vegan diet is higher in dietary fibers, vitamins C and E, some types of vitamin B, magnesium and iron, but lower in dietary energy, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12 and D, calcium and zinc. A properly planned vegan diet with dietary supplements and extra attention paid to possible nutritional deficiencies, which might lead to serious health issues, can be a healthy way of life, even helpful with weight loss.
Opinions regarding the vegan diet are mixed, depending on the stage of life. Canadian dietitians consider it appropriate for everybody, including pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants, children, adolescents and adults, whereas German nutritionists are recommending this type of diet only for adults. Nutrient intakes, especially protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium and zinc play an important role in the healthy growth of a fetus, an infant, a child and an adolescent. A daily supplement of vitamin B12 is of great importance to pregnant and breastfeeding vegan mothers. Protein can be gotten from many alternative foods: tofu, tempeh, lentils, chickpeas, beans, hempseed, amaranth, quinoa, soy milk, oats and oatmeal, chia seeds and nuts.
Can Babies Survive On A Vegan Diet?
Babies and children on a vegan diet can get the energy needed for their growth and development from other sources, the main issue is to elaborate a well-planned, varied and a balanced diet for them, and provide them with additional nutritional supplements, because they require more protein, calcium and vitamins B12 and D than adults do.
Broccoli Baby Puree
Ingredients: 2 cups of broccoli chopped into small florets, 1 peeled and chopped apple, 1 tbsp olive oil.
In a medium saucepan bring water to a boil over medium heat. Put the broccoli and the apple into a steamer basket and place over the boiling water, cover and steam for about 12 minutes, until they are tender. Reserve some water from the steamer for later use. After cooling down slightly, put the broccoli, apple and olive oil in a blender and puree until smooth, adding some of the reserved water to adjust the consistency of the puree.
What does it mean to be vegan?
Vegan is an individual, who does not use any products of animal origin in any areas of his life, but it mainly refers to the animal products free diet.
How healthy is vegan?
If you have a well balanced diet, eating vegan food is a healthy way of life.
When can you start giving vegan to your baby?
You can start giving vegan food to your baby at the age at which he starts eating solid food, usually at 6 months old.
The risks of giving vegan to your baby?
Vegan foods are low in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12 and D, so in order to avoid nutritional problems and deficiencies, just make sure to supplement these elements in another way.