Can Babies Eat Ginger?
Ginger is a flowering plant, whose ginger root is famous in the world of spices and folk medicine. Ginger belongs to the same family, which also includes the turmeric, cardamom and galangal. It originated in Island Southeast Asia and was domesticated by Austronesian people. Ginger was one of the first spices being imported to Europe with the spice trade, and was used by ancient Greeks and Romans.
Ginger is popular all over the world, and its importance grew throughout history, having two purposes: as culinary spice and as medicine. It is a common ingredient in Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese cuisines for flavoring dishes. Ginger root in powdered dry form is used for flavoring cookies, gingerbread, cakes and in beverages like ginger ale or ginger beer.
Ginger has carbohydrates, protein, fat, but also vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese.
Ginger is excellent for nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness. It may reduce muscle pain and soreness. Its anti inflammatory effects can help with osteoarthritis. It can also help with chronic indigestion, reducing menstrual pain, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, preventing cancer.
Ginger can have side effects as well, if it is administrated in a high dosage. It can cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, heartburn, mouth and throat irritation, cardiac arrhythmias.
Why Can Children Eat Ginger ?
You can give your baby ginger at the age of 8 months. Dried ginger can be added to meals as a seasoning. A little cut piece of fresh ginger can help with digestion and nausea. For babies over 12 months old sprinkling a small amount of ginger on honey can help relieving cough.
Carrot Ginger Baby Food Puree
Ingredients: 450g carrots, ½ tsp ginger freshly minced, 1 cup water reserved from steaming breast milk or formula.
Peel and chop the carrots into tiny coins. Fill a medium saucepan with 5cm water and let it boil. Put the carrots in a steamer basket over the boiling water, cover, and let them cook for 15 minutes, until they get tender. Let cool a little bit. Reserve the steamer water. Put the carrots and the ginger into a food processor and puree until smooth, adding liquid until you get the wanted texture.
What is ginger?
Ginger is a flowering plant, whose ginger root is famous in the world of spices and folk medicine.
How healthy is ginger?
Ginger is excellent for nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness. It may reduce muscle pain and soreness. Its anti inflammatory effects can help with osteoarthritis. It can also help with chronic indigestion, reducing menstrual pain, lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels, preventing cancer.
When can you start giving ginger to your baby?
You can give your baby ginger at the age of 8 months. Dried ginger can be added to meals as a seasoning.
The risks of giving ginger to your child?
Babies can choke on pieces of ginger, and overdose can cause many side effects.