Can Babies Eat Papaya?
Papaya, also called papaw or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, originating in the tropics of Central America and southern region of Mexico. The plants grow in three sexes, but only the hermaphrodites produce edible fruits. There are mostly two types of papayas cultivated, the ones with red and the others with yellow flesh.
Unripe papayas are green, and they can be used in cuisines only cooked, because they are poisonous if they are eaten raw, due to their latex content. They can cause irritation and allergic reactions not only if eaten raw, but also when they are used to tenderize meat.
In Southeast Asia papayas are used green, unripe or nearly ripe as well. The nearly ripe ones are used in salads or pickled as a side dish to usually salty dishes. The unripe ones are usually boiled, but also used as ingredients in salads. In South America, unripe papayas are used to make sweets.
Papayas contain some carbs, fat, protein and dietary fibers. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, but they also contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, E and K. Papayas contain some magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron and calcium.
When Can You Feed Papaya To Your Baby?
Papaya can be introduced into a baby’s diet, when he starts eating solid food, at the age of 6 months old. Some pediatricians recommend giving papaya only later on, starting at the age of 7-8 months old, especially because of the choking hazard. But if you offer mashed papayas, at the right consistency, papayas can be a good nutritional choice for your babies.
Benefits Of Papayas For Babies
Due to their high vitamin C content, they support the immune system and contribute to good health. Papayas have papain, a biologically active compound helping digestion, but also in wound healing. They are good preventing constipation. Papayas are a rich source of vitamin A, aiding vision development and a good source for vitamin K, which is necessary for the growth and development of babies.
Papaya Breakfast Treat
Ingredients: 2 tbsp prepared oatmeal, 1 tbsp pureed or diced papaya, ½ sliced banana.
Blend the ingredients together in a blender and serve, before the bananas start to get brown.
What is papaya?
Papaya, also called papaw or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, originating in the tropics of Central America and southern region of Mexico.
How healthy is papaya?
Due to their high vitamin C content, they support the immune system and contribute to good health. Papayas have papain, a biologically active compound helping digestion, but also in wound healing. They are good preventing constipation. Papayas are a rich source of vitamin A, aiding vision development and a good source for vitamin K, which is necessary for the growth and development of babies.
When can you start giving papaya to your baby?
Papaya can be introduced into a baby’s diet, when he starts eating solid food, at the age of 6 months old.
The risks of giving papaya to your baby?
Papayas can cause allergic reactions, because of their latex and papain content.