Can Babies Eat In Car Seat?
A car seat, also known as a child safety seat, infant safety seat, child seat, child restraint seat, baby seat or booster seat, is a specially designed seat in order to protect children from getting injured or even killed during car collisions. Car seats are usually bought separately and installed by parents, but sometimes car manufacturers integrate directly the child safety seats into the vehicles design and they are obligated to provide anchors and to secure the seat belt compatibility.
Unfortunately many parents cannot install child seats properly, and if they are not installed right, they cannot provide your baby the appropriate safety. In order to avoid these bad installations, health officials collaborating with child safety experts produce videos to teach the proper child safety seat installation not only for parents, but also for caregivers and baby sitters.
What Age Should Car Seats Be Changed?
Car seats are categorized according to the position the child should stay and the size of the seat, taking into consideration the child’s weight. There are 4 groups of car seats. Group 0+ car seats are rear-faced, are recommended for babies up to 13kg, which means for babies up to 15 months old. They are safer positioned rear-facing, because in this way they provide more support for the baby’s head in case of a sudden deceleration.
The car seats belonging to the so called Group 1 can be installed forward-facing, but it is still recommended to use them rear-facing, for children between 9 to 18kg, which means from about 9 months until 4 years old. These car seats use a standard adult seat belt to hold it in place, and have a five-point baby harness to hold the child.
Group 2 car seats can be installed forward facing or rear facing, used for children weighing from 15kg up to 25kg, which means children between the ages from 4 to 6 years old. These car seats use an adult seat belt to hold the child.
The Group 3 car seats are used only forward-facing, for children between 22kg and 36kg, between the ages of 4 to 10 years old. These seats, also called booster seats position the child in such a way that the adult seat belt is positioned in the right place for safety and also for comfort.
Where Should The Car Seat Be Placed?
There are studies made, which suggest that the safest place to position a car seat is in the middle seat. If you need to install more than one car seat, the second safest place to do it is the seat behind the passenger. Never put a car seat in the front seat!
Can A Baby Eat In A Car Seat?
Babies can be fed in a car seat, if the car is not moving. In a moving car babies can easily choke from food or even water or milk. Bottles become projectiles in case of a crash. There is the risk of motion sickness too. You shouldn’t breastfeed in a moving car, because holding your baby in your arms is dangerous not only for the baby, but for you as well, because both of you are unbuckled.
What is in-car-seat?
Car seats are specially designed seats for children.
How safe is a car seat?
Car seats are designed to ensure protection for your child in case of a crash.
When can you start using car seats?
Car seats can be categorized into 4 categories, according to the age and weight of your child. Car seats should be changed according to these categorizations.
The risks of using car seats inappropriately?
Parents should pay attention to the installation of a car seat, according to the instructions, in order to keep their babies safe. Feeding babies in a moving car is dangerous and should be avoided.